Friday, May 22, 2009


Tomorrow I Will Be VEERRYYY Busy

Just got the news that leaving cert have to be included and submit to UBD. I sent my certs (exclude leaving cert) yesterday, the tutor checked, but didn't mention anything about leaving cert. So tomorrow I have to call to UBD...

If they say leaving cert is a MUST...busy comes:

8 am - 9.30 am: Go straight to SMSA (KB)

9.30- 10 am: Get my certs certified

10am - 11.30 am: Go straight UBD

11.30- 11.45 am: send my certs

Damn, I think I'm late to Miri, I actually plan to go miri at 11am

I got an appointment on facial at 1.30 pm, and braces appointment at 4.15 pm.

A party over ming's and ken's at the same time at night.

G, how I handle!!??

If my time sticks to my plan:

8.30 am- 11am : working

11am - 1.30 pm : way to MIRI

1.30 pm - 3.30pm: Facial

3.30 - 4.05 pm: visit the new parkson

4.15 - 4.30pm : braces

4.30 - 6.00 pm: back to seria

6.00 - 7.00 pm: make up

7.00 - 12 pm : ming's then ken's

Don't think it's just a few things, it makes you REAL busy. I hope YOU can be my another half. Pretty sure, I will be tired at 10 pm tomorrow.

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