Monday, June 29, 2009

B mobile roadshow

Been busy for these few days, for the coming dancing competition and B-mobile roadshow.

Yup, helping Prime Media

It was fun, many shows and contests.

Eating competition, donuts, sushi, juice and spaghetti

Coloring contest

"Who's Got Talent": singing, dancing & music

This group's name something like "Kangan bang". The guy singer is not very good looking BUT it's famous in Indonesia! The people scream like hell...

We need so many guards. There was few times the fans pull the Star and run towards, and we had to push them back.
I'm one of the guards, when the "kangan bang" approached me, I was thinking, "Please don't approach, don't give me trouble, I have no energy to push them back."
And yea, the fans really move towards in a BIG group! ...and the stronger guards came.

I never thought I would be a guard of a Superstar, special experience huh

The middle: she's 14 and pretty. Vui said may be she's like Miley Cyrus, because kids love her too.
But I don't think so, because she wears sexi-ly, which is more attracted to the man.

This was during signature session.
See the guards holding hands? HAH! look so gay. But it's for everyone's safety.

For sale: $50

Can you see the fans!!??

Remember the previous post? I met Izan.

That day at ICC, Hua, Izan and I chatted a while...

The next day at the Mall, Izan was the MC of Laneige roadshow. She was distributing the samples and gifts, and asking people to go to stage.

I raised my hand and went to the stage:

Izan: Helo, what's your name?

Me: Yaya

Izan : (with big eyes mouth open) I met u before, isnt it?

Me: Yea~

Izan: Helo people, she's Yaya, her boyfriend is Marcus!

I stun-ed, XD Because she was using a mic okay~~ I don't mind ^^

Izan: (spotted ah hua at the back of the stage) Come over Marcus!

What can I say? Her memory is good! She's good in talking and complimenting people.

Align Center

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