Aiya, I know u guys miss me a lot. It's almost a week I have not been blogging because I'm biizeeh.
Got a lot works to do, a lot assignments to submit, and a lot of tests which made me studied until 3.30am just now, and also dance practice for the Earth day.
I'm uploading video now, don't think it will complete upload today.
The event of Earth day at UBD, they gave prizes too, Easi card and B-mobile recharge card.
Yee went up to sing.
Me and chien went up to dance "Nobody". Chien was so brave that she just dance straight away. I a bit paiseh don't know why, altho I performed NOBODY before xD. LUI LA!!
I'm so jealous after that because YY cooked porridge and mash potato for Min!!
Yesterday is the most enjoy-est day of the week, because we had a small family dinner over my aunt's again.
Why I always enjoy having dinner there? because they cook nice!!
She cooked something like Laksa mee, opps I forgot what's that called.
We drank nice coffee and yummy banana shake.
Ate Bakerlyn Fruit cake.
And a plate of something-new. =.-" something like prawn roll....arhh....just eat la.
Next week revision week = holiday week.
Next next week = exam week
next next next week = 3 months holiday!!!!!!
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