Some people would ask me why I don't change my FaceBook status.
1. I don't like people to have comments on my status, or the guy whom I'm with, especially when I change "In a relationship" to "single".
2. Since I'm not married, I don't see any good reason for me to change status to "In a relationship".
3. I change my status when I have a stable relationship, may be when only when I'm married.
4. I'm not a type who would announce when I'm in a relationship, nor Single.
5. OK, I just don't like to announce laaa
I read this from ShoppingLifestyle: Facebook Relationship Etiquette
1. Do post appropriate couple photos.
""Never post a photo you wouldn't want your mom, minister, or future employer to see, because that's who's looking," says Daily.
A general rule of thumb is no kissing with your mouth open, no hands above mid thigh or anywhere near your boobs."
Yea, from my Facebook photos, you won't be able to find any kissing or inappropriate pictures of me and boyfriend. I normally send the pictures through our msn or bluetooth.
2. Do keep your lovey-dovey messages private.
"First, your friends don't really want to read your pet names and inside jokes. Second, think about why you'd want to make something personal between you and your guy so public -- are you involved in a relationship or putting on a show? Usually when someone spends a lot of time trying to convince other people what a great relationship she has, it's because she doesn't believe it herself," adds Daily.
An example, "Baby I miss you so much. You are my world..."
When I see my couple friends post these messages on each other wall, I can see how sweet they are.
But this would definitely won't happen on me. Unless my boyfriend did something very lovely, I may just send a SMS telling him that I love him, but will not post on FB.
Somemore I'm not a romantic person who would keep showing how much I love my boyfriend.
If my boyfriend send those kind of messages to me on Facebook, I would only "Like" the post or just ignore. I don't know what should I reply.
3. Don't update your status too early.
Yup, that's one of my reason for not changing my status. What if it doesn't work out? The whole world will know.
4. Don't pretend to be single if you are not.
"It's disrespectful to your sweetie, and unfair to anybody who gathers up the nerve to flirt with you. It's a mark of insecurity to need that constant reassurance that people are attracted to you," says Daily.
The friends will know I'm in a relationship because I post photos of me and boyfriend going to somewhere interesting.
5. Don't post snide comments about exes.
"You'll only come across as petty and immature if you use your social networking profiles to ridicule your ex -- and leave others wondering if you've really moved on. "And you just know, it's going to be forwarded. You just don't know to whom," adds Daily."
I did it once when my ex called me a bitch when he was the one who had a second girlfriend. I was pissed and didn't understand how could a man doesn't admit his wrong and still want to blame on the girlfriend.
So I said "人又不靓仔,钱又没,女又没,升高又没,态度又没,理志又没,鬼才要你啊。吃屎啦你!"
Translation: not handsome, no money, no girl, no height, no attitude, no brain, only ghost likes you. Eat shit la u!
lol, ok pretty immature...but I was pissed.
6. Don't be too showy.
"Yes, your friends, even the single ones, are happy you've found someone you really like. They just don't want to talk/hear about it 24 hours a day," says Daily.
hmm, I don't do this in Facebook, but I may just grab my friends to listen my happiness.
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